Alberta Tar Sands Project

The Alberta Tar Sands Project is said to be the largest oil reserve in the world. In this reserve the oil is not liquid but is extracted from sand, which takes a lot of water to do. Also, to gain access to the sand the land has be destroyed, already 5000 hectares have been destroyed. (  By the end of the extraction the water used is very polluted and it cannot be used. They estimate in ten years, "they will have cleared an area the size of Florida." (
Birds that come in contact with the polluted water die, which to me is a sign that development like this must stop. This development is damaging the land and the animals that live on it, and at the same time is causing potentially irreversible climate change. I believe it should be stopped and instead put the funding that goes towards the oil extract towards emerging renewable resource technology. Alberta is experiencing acid rain and some say they can even smell oil in the air, I see no reason that this development should be continued.