Alex Steffen - Sustainable Future

Alex Steffen cofunder of WorldChanging spoke to his audience about our sustainable future. Although our society is the most prosperous, it has major flaws. Our society has such a large, unsustainable ecological footprint. Our society lives in such a way that we will need 5 planets to survive. The one planet we do have, is not treated properly. It is so dynamic that in North America we have people living luxioursly, and people in Africa who can't even survive.
Steffen believes the way we are raising our children is teaching them not to live sustainably or in any way promote stability.
Steffen believes we need to change our cities so they become "bright green cities," where they become more densely populated and more liveable. Potentially, people should not drive cars, they should use efficent tranist systems, reside in buildings that generate there own electricty and recycle their own water. These "bright green cities" will cost less over time.
Cofounder Steffen also discusses "leap frogging" where if one is stuck in a situation where they don't have what they need, they should not invest in old technology but in the cheapest newest technology.
Another world is possible and here.