The Zoo

The zoo, was  once on of my favourite places to go as a kid, but as I have grown older and become more educated, it does not seem like such a happy and educational place, like it once did. Yes, the zoo can be an exciting place to be, but how can one call it educational? Staring at an animal, certainly not dwelling in any envrionment comparable to their natural one, can not be defined as educational. The animals do not hunt, they do not find mates and they do not  have the same agression and attitude they would within theit natural habitat.
Treating animals so poorly just for the satisfaction of humans is wrong entirely! It is impossible for the animals to be treated properly; the first problem is keeping them in a jail with no freedom.
Some animals in the zoo might be considered an endagered species, so the zoo is trying to `conserve` the said species by keeping them in holding, by taking care of them and breeding them. How can a 10 by 10 cage possibly create a pleasant atmosphere for any species. I think although the zoo is trying to save their species, they are providing a lower quality of life to the animals.
I must admit, I still enjoy going to the zoo, I mean who wouldn`t want to see a lion or a bear! But when it comes to ethics I don`t believe the zoo should play any role in conservation or education, as it is not right.