An Inspiring Story

John Francis, an American Environmentalist, has refrained from using motorized vehicles and has walked and sailed the world for the past 22 years. After seeing two oil tankers collide and spill gallons of oil beneath the golden gates, Francis decided he must give up driving and riding in motorized vehicles, he also decided to give up speaking and he listened for 17 years. During these 17 years Francis went to school and earned a Ph.d. Through his 22 years of travelling and 17 years of not speaking Francis learned that communication is vital to saving our environment. He also realized he must come out of his long silence to share his message; "we have to leave behind the security of what we have become and go to the place of who we are becoming. " (John Francis) Francis makes the parallel that we are the environment and how we treat each other is how we should treat the environment. Change must be made in order to achieve a sustainable environment. He stresses that we must come out of our comfort zones of who we have become and respect our environment, and respect ourselves.

While thinking about Francis's idea, I began to think about whether the media does really do a good job at covering current issues. Well, considering I had never heard of Francis before this video, I would say no. But, I also don't watch the news or read as often as I should. But, as for media coverage I do see, I believe although it is relevant, they focus too much on small details and don't look at the issue as a whole. The media lacks logic in there way of presenting current issues. Instead of introducing the issues and ways to fix it, they scare audiences and make them feel helpless. When the oil spill occurred in the gulf, fingers were pointed as to who was to blame and not much action was taken.

There is a pro-environment group where people believe that the all environmental issues are vital and changes must begin now. And, opposing pro-environment are the people who believe the current environmental issues are exaggerated and it is not that important to our future as the media makes it out to be. Well, I believe that the media exaggerates everything, for example, in my criminology class we were learning about crime statistics and in one particular case murder rates dropped 5%, meanwhile the murder media coverage increased by 20%. Although, I believe that humans should be pro-environment regardless of the media as Francis says we are the environment. Whether global warming is actually happening, and whether our ozone layer is seriously and quickly deteriorating, we should still practice environmentally friendly ways and try to come away from the destructive and wasteful people we have become. We should aim towards a goal which will allow us and the future generations a lifestyle which is not only sustainable but provides quality to all.

This sustainable life is difficult to achieve because we have become so comfortable in our ways, but that does not make it impossible. Humans have evolved  from nomads to highly sophisticated and technologically advanced individuals who generation after generation achieve and accomplish what once was thought impossible. To me this is inspiration and belief that a sustainable future is more then possible. With the growing disconnect from the environment, our goal only seems to be further away. People have lost touch with the environment, and over beautiful natural habitats we have built offices and homes and buildings among buildings. With this growing disconnect we move further away from our goal, and this to me creates a danger. Where has our love for our earth gone? We have become too focused on materialistic things to stop and think that we must protect our environment to protect ourselves. If our way of life continues this way, we will certainly not only look past our Earth's beauty but damage our environment in ways such as deforestation and habitat destruction, and we will lose soil fertility. As our population increase we will over hunt, emit more greenhouse gases, and be short energy. (215, Easton)  So I say get outside and help our earth, and in turn it will help us!

Dear 2010 - From 2500

Today I had a very rude awakening to how inconsiderate and foolish our species was only some centuries ago. To vent a little I am directing a letter to the people of 2010. Here I go...

Dear 2010,
Not too long ago, I was allowed to drive into a McDonalds drive through in a gas fueled car and order a hamburger with extra cheese, extra pickles and you know, the works. Just today, I stood inside a McDonalds for the first time, of course I could not get the delicious burger I have read about. Since the Sustainable Act in the year 2482 took place, all restaurants were shut down, supermarkets as they were once known were drastically changed and our economy took a big leap forward, although some might say in reverse. I certainly do.

As we now have farms breeding animals in controlled environments, my family and I are limited to the meat and poultry we eat throughout the month. We are rationed with not only meat, but fruits and vegetables too. We live in a small home, and we can only use so much heat in the winter and next to no air conditioning in the summer. As for transportation, you don't see any cars around. We do have electric powered cars, but only police, paramedics and government employed are allowed to operate one. There is public transportation, but most people use there bikes or walk.

 My older sister, who is now 25 and married would like to have a child, but since 2484, one must be granted permission from the government to have a child. She's on an insanely long wait list. How is this fair? Our government, following the sustainable act, is attempting to level off the population at a number that is sustainable economically, socially and environmentally.

Now, let's rewind a few years, well a little more, and look at how you lucky guys got to live, and how, even though you had great warning you chose my inconvenient  fate. Philosopher, George Santayana once said, "Those who cannot learn from history are doomed to repeat it." (213, Easton)  From this idea, Jared Diamond, a world renown professor wrote a novel on how a society can choose to fail or succeed. Diamond discussed that similar to Mayan civilizations and others societies such as the Anasazis and Cahokia which failed due to lack of resourse, over population and other forms of ecocide, the people after the millennium will experience a similar collapse unless, the decisions made 'today' are designed to benefit 'tomorrow'. (213-214, Easton)

Now, 2010, you might say that the Aztecs and other civilizations failed due to lack of technology, but infact technology is a big factor which contributed to the sustainable act. The Ehrlich Professors of your time, said that due to the population explosion, or in other words, the increase of consumption, the damage on the environment increased. This is because different technologies trying to support this increase were on high demand, causing more pollution and other waste. (184, Easton) In a way the Ehrlichs presumed the control of reproduction in the future, when the two discussed a 'optimum population size..." (185, Easton) It also brings me to shame how, even though encouraged to do so, the public health officials of your time, ignored the request to look into possible health problems of environmental contaminants, such as DES. (162, Easton)

Humans and animals share the world, so it seems to me, only obvious that what affects animals and their environment must affect humans and our environment. (162, Easton). Theo Colborn, a professor in Florida, discussed the affect of a chemical DES, "a synthetic hormone drug," or estrogen, which was used to increase growth in cattle. DES caused abnormalities such as cancer and tumors mainly in women and children. (163, Easton) This situation proved obvious that humans were in "jeopardy" and were "affected" by chemicals released into the environment. (163, Easton) As Colborn says, "the tragedy is that we ignored the warning." (164, Easton.)

 As these numerous warnings against environmental damage and over population were made and continuously ignored, my generation was destined to a life with little freedom and little quality.
Cheers 2010.

Arielle Lofchick -7645343
Work's Cited
Easton, Thomas A. Classic Edition Sources: Environmental Studies (Classic Edition Sources). 3 ed. Dubuque, Iowa: Mcgraw-hill/dushkin, 2008. Print.

TED. "John Francis walks the Earth | Video on" TED: Ideas worth spreading. N.p., n.d. Web. 24 Sept. 2010. <>.